Walewein Witten started playing the harpsichord at the age of 13. He studied harpsichord at the Royal Conservatory at The Hague (Holland) with Jacques Ogg and Ton Koopman, and obtained his soloist diploma in 1998 with the highest marks and honors. He participated in masterclasses for harpsichord with Gustav Leonhardt (1994) and Lars-Ulrik Mortensen (1997).


Parallel to his studies of Early Music he specialised in contemporary music for harpsichord with Annelie de Man in Amsterdam. This led to many performances and premieres of modern harpsichord pieces, and to his soloist participation in 1994 at the  International Harpsichord Week in De IJsbreker in Amsterdam.


Walewein Witten played in many chamber music ensembles and baroque orchestras. He was first harpsichordist of the European Union Baroque Orchestra in 1998, under conductors such as Roy Goodman, Andrew Manze and Ton Koopman. From 2000 to 2005 he worked as prinicipal harpsichordist and organist of the Utrecht Barock Consort with Jos van Veldhoven. Further ensembkles were The London Bach Players, Collegium ad Mosam (Nl) and Ensmble Anima e Corpo (Barcelona). Since 2016 he  regularly plays with the ensemble Lauttencompagney Berlin led by Wolfgang Katschner.


As a soloist on harpsichord he performed concertos by J.S. Bach and C.P.E. Bach, leading the orchestra from the harpsichord. With symphony orchestra he performed the Concert Champetre by Poulenc several times, last time in 2014 with the Kassel State Symphony Orchestra conducted by Marco Comin.


Walewein Witten lives in Berlin.